Being an educator has been one of the greatest joys of my life. Sharing knowledge, experience and hopefully– by now– my wisdom has given me the opportunity to watch minds, hearts, spirits open to their own passions, wisdom, creative energies. Be it through the sharing of stories in sacred circle, moving/awakening/healing our bodies, concocting fragrance, creating beauty, sharing our gifts and talents with one another or humbly traveling to distant lands… educating and experiencing our selves and others– is sacred work. And no reason it can’t also be quite joyful!
All the Classes, Workshops, Pilgrimages, Retreats, and Sacred Travel that we offer here are our way to help encourage you to step up, listen, follow the inner call and allow yourself to find a piece of that soul essence that is calling to you. Find your Bliss! It is what you have come to offer the world in your unique and powerful way. We invite you to let us inspire, uplift and support you on your way to finding the passions of your heart and soul.
Scroll down or click to proceed directly to the Curriculum, Ongoing Classes or Current Schedule sections of this page.
Video credit: Marie Commiskey
Certain classes, workshops, retreats, trips and/or pilgrimages are a mainstay of my work. These comprise the core of my “curriculum”. They may occur far off on a calendar, and so– you may wish to know that these are available to be scheduled, should you wish to sponsor one or another. These include:
Mary Magdalene Work/Goddess Mystery School (GMS)
Since being gifted (downloaded) with this body of work, the Mary Magdalene Goddess Mystery School Teachings (GMS) have become a major part of a covenant that I have entered into: to share and bring forth, dedicatedly, all… in Her name.
“The Magdalene work is the most personally intimate, profound and sacred area of my body of work.” — JC
This work has changed my life– by virtue of learning to trust the inner voice within me… to follow, take heed and to know that there is something greater within us, that truly guides us on our path if we will but listen.
It includes, but is not limited to: * the Teachings in a class or workshop environment, * Pilgrimages/Travel to sacred sites around the globe which I have personally led for over 15 years, * Writings— the Mary Magdalene Daily Devotional, * a line of sacred scent— the Magdalene Collection— to assist the wisdom of these teachings to deepen and expand… and more. This work grows day by day. Read More The voice of Mary Magdalene– the archetype of Her presence– has been my muse, which has allowed (and urged) these teachings and the sacred fragrances to come forth and to be shared. There is great holiness in each of us– and the wisdom of this wishes to be remembered. The Goddess Mystery School Teachings of Mary Magdalene are a way to open up to the light within you, and the aromatic alchemy that has been created to honor her teachings will assist you along the way. This work is an in-depth study of the seven spiritual virtues to the path of Love. The mystical and personal realization of the alchemy of each of the teachings is the goal of Mary Magdalene’s Goddess Mystery School as I have received these teachings. The alchemical transformation of each person is revealed through the Magdalene herself as the teachings are incorporated into a daily spiritual practice. The truth contained in each of the teachings begins to awaken the heart, soul and spirit of those who desire to walk the path of Love with her. The Goddess Mystery School teachings are supported by a Collection of seven sacred scents and aromatic elixirs created for each teaching by Joan Clark, plus the unifying/balancing Yeshua scent— the alpha and omega– which first inspired this work and now ties it all together. Look to this page for updates on events, and contact me for more information and to sponsor a class in your area. “I will guide you to what your heart desires…be still and listen.” –MM
Annual Moon Goddess Retreat
The Annual Moon Goddess Retreat is a yearly gathering of women from all over the country and abroad, who desire to come together to share the gift of sacred sisterhood. Occasionally– additional, related events might be scheduled in a given year. Read More Women gather together because they must. The core spirit and soul of woman is— connection. — JC We offer our gifts, talents and abilities to one another. We dance, pray, create and share our stories. We empower, uplift, inspire and weave a circle of Oneness– as we honor the Goddess within and without. It is a special time for each of us. We move between the veil of time-and-space and enter into a sacred place where unity, community and the teachings of the Goddess are remembered, honored and shared. We work with plant spirit medicines– for they are our great connection to the earth, moon, sun, stars, the elements, our ancestors our body temples and mostly… to one another. We honor our path as the divine feminine presence, and we understand the power of the moon and our connection to her.
Joan Clark’s Travel Adventures and Sacred Pilgrimages
Every aspect of our travel and pilgrimages is infused with the intention to make the experience a sacred one, allowing us to delve deeper into the mysteries and the quest to “know thy self”. A spiritual pilgrimage is undertaken in answer to a soul-calling– to increase intention and devotion, in the name of healing and service, by way of deep, sometimes intense, spiritual work. The intention is set that you will look back on each such trip as transformative, nurturing and empowering.Read More I feel that travel is not a luxury: it is a necessity for the soul to find, remember and experience parts of itself that may have gotten lost along the way. Travel challenges us to defy our comfort zone– allowing us to nurture new skills, talents and abilities. Once stretched in such a way, our confidence and outlook in the world never shrink back to the same size. Our travel– and especially anything billed as a pilgrimage– is generally structured along such sacred lines. Be forewarned that shifts occur, and such change Is not always necessarily comfortable in the moment. This is not to say that they aren’t infused with much joy as well. As such–unless billed otherwsie– those looking for a primarily recreational tour are encouraged to enjoy these rich locales by other means.
Please scroll down to the Current Schedule, to learn of upcoming trips, designed especially to tantalize and awaken the senses, expand our breadth of experiences, increase our appreciation of beauty, and deepen our sense of the sacred. ** Should details be lacking for trips scheduled more distantly in the future, please visit the Past Sacred Travel and Pilgrimages page, with details, itineraries, and flyers of recent journeys– to give you a better of sense of what you can anticipate on your personal adventure of choice.
Aroma*Essentials Training Workshop: the Power of Plant Spirit Alchemy
An Exclusive Training with Joan Clark “Living an Aromatic Lifestyle One Drop At A Time.”
The Aroma*Essentials Training is an in-depth look at the system of aromatic synergies which comprise this exclusive and subtly powerful collection. Developed to empower the use of plant spirit alchemy as a way of living an aromatic lifestyle— to nurture, support and pamper the whole of the body/mind/spirit/emotions. Read More For 2 days you will actively participate in the understanding of the different synergies and essential oil combinations that are in each blend as well as the application and use of each synergy. The course fee is $950.00, and includes samples of each of the Aroma*Essential Synergies, as well as all educational documents which support these synergies. Participants will also be able to purchase the Aroma*Essential Synergies for resale. To host or book a class, please contact us.
Aroma*Fitness/Present-Moment Yoga
Aroma*Fitness is a lifestyle concept that I created as a way to introduce the use of essential oils and aromatic alchemy into a fitness regime over 30 years ago.
Present Moment Yoga is a unique program falling under this heading, that incorporates scent into a kundalini/chakra yoga framework, along with other empowering modalities such as chanting, trance dance, breath-work, tapping, sound therapy, meditation, creative visualization and more. Participants know going in that this is deep work which takes one in and through the “stuff” of the past, on to greater wholeness, health and happiness. Read More When I first started not many people were using essential oils, and if they were it was not in conjunction with fitness of any kind. As we started educating people on the power of essential oils to enhance fitness workouts we saw a dramatic shift and a movement began taking place. From the yoga practitioner to the body builder…the meditation, tai chi and pilates instructors… all began incorporating them into their work-out formats. **You might consider learning more about incorporating my blends into your discipline– for added benefit, and to further distance yourself from the pack. Living an aromatic lifestyle has been my personal mission for over 30 years and sharing this passion has inspired thousands and thousands of others to live into this philosophy as well… with great benefit. Classes/Workshops are often ongoing and being added. Please don’t hesitate to contact me to schedule a series or intensive in your area.
Aroma*Woman/Free the Womb Gathering/Workshop
This workshop introduces and complements the Aroma*Woman collection of Goddess synergies that empower and embrace the beauty and the rites of passage of the female body.
Along with working with these synergies the workshop will include group work, a circle ceremony where we will share our rites of passage through song, dance, shared stories, and art… and more. Workshop tuition includes includes samples of the Aroma*Woman Synergies.
Natural Perfumery Classes– The Art and Pleasure of Natural Perfumery (4-Hour Intro/2-Day Intensive)
The Natural Perfumery Class is for anyone who is interested in natural fragrances who would like to learn how to create his or her own natural perfumes.
This class will focus on learning the language of natural perfumery, the raw materials of the perfumer, how to make aromatic accords (top, middle, base notes), record keeping to make sure you can recreate your blend with ease, hands-on blending with a variety of different natural aromatic essential oil essences… and much more.
If you love fragrance, creating and learning about the natural world– you will enjoy immersing yourself into the Art and Pleasure of Natural Perfumery. We also offer a 4-hour introductory course that you can sample before enrolling in a 2 day intensive.
Ongoing Events:
Wherever you stand, be the spirit of that place. — Rumi
The following events are presently assigned specific dates, are available for you to reserve your spot, make your deposit, pay in full, etc. Some offerings have a limited number of openings, fill up quickly, may require a minimum number of participants to have committed by a deadline in order to proceed, etc. Please pay attention to details of deposits that may or may not be refundable and other terms of a given event:
Present Moment Kundalini Yoga and Acupuncture– Sundays, 2 pm.
Our Present Moment Yoga classes at LunaBella are a combination of Kundalini Yoga, Chanting, Meditation, Breathwork, Gong Healings and Energy work accompanied by the use of crystals, and essential oils. Acupuncture is sometimes available to be administered after, to take our practice and intentions deeper and to release what no longer aligns with our desire for wholeness of body mind, soul and spirit. Space is limited. RSVP is required.
Cost: $20/class.
Mary Magdalene Goddess Mystery School 12-Month Training– Last Sunday of each month, 2-5 pm.
The Goddess Mystery School (GMS) Training is an in-depth study into the consciousness and teachings of Mary Magdalene– Her rites of passage into Her own sacred alchemy as healer, visionary, oracle, alchemist, woman, wife, mother… apostle to the apostles.
This training is a 12-month long initiation which incorporates creating plant spirit alchemy, aromatic blending, meditation, yoga, hands-on healing, intuitive awareness, prayerwork, chanting, sacred dance, creating altars/ceremonial space and more.
On the last Sunday of each month we gather and unite– at LunaBella in Lawrence, KS– in holy community with other women who have been called to be a part of Her teachings, alchemy, archetype and consciousness.
Sometime during the training (often around the spring solstice) we journey on a trip to France, guided by Joan, to walk the path of Mary Magdalene: visiting the sacred sites where she has been honored and remembered for centuries (this pilgrimage is optional, and not included in training tuition).
The training is a commitment, and a closed circle, year by year. Upon reforming each year as the calendar works back around to Her Feast Day of July 22nd, a new circle forms, with new and experienced participants committing for a subsequent 12 months.
(soon to come— live streaming of this class for anyone who does not live in the area.)
Powerful Passionate Women for Peace– New Moon and Full Moon Gatherings– Check your calendar for new and full moon dates.
Each new moon and full moon a candle is lit by women across the globe to unite in the prayer for peace and oneness. We connect wherever we are and align with the intention that we are Powerful, Passionate Women holding the vision of peace within and without.
Monthly Prayer Circle Conference Call–Last Sunday of the Month, approx. 7pm Central.
The fourth Sunday of each month we collectively gather from all across the country and abroad to unite in prayer with the Divine Mother. This is a monthly conference call where all are welcome. We have a Goddess Prayer Group Facebook page where you can request to join, become part of the group, receive the call-in info and keep in touch. Within the circle we open ourselves to receive a monthly message for the group, then to prayer– for one another and/or for the world and all of humanity. Here you can request for specific prayers for yourself and/or others.
Labyrinth Walks at Luna Bella
Lunabella Labyrinth is open to the public, sunrise to sunset, year-round, for anyone who desires a peaceful prayer walk in nature. Walk. Breathe. Pray. Receive. No appointment necessary. Everyone is welcome. Download flyer for more info.
Current Schedule:
Walking the Path of Mary Magdalene, a Pilgrimage Through France– Celebrating Her Feast Day and Working With Her Goddess Mystery School Teachings (dates coming soon)
Traveling again to one of my favorite places to guide another pilgrimage through Magdalene sites across the south of France. To give you an idea of an approximate itinerary please visit my Past Sacred Travel and Pilgrimages Page to view a full-color flyer of a past trip.