Creative expressions of the he”art”.
Joan of Art is an eclectic array of all the things that I love to create. It is my way of expressing the joy I feel from the inside out. The more I play, the more I discover that I see many things in the world— basically every thing— as raw materials for works of beauty and inspiration.
All my creations come from that place of collective union with a source of energy that exists but which one really cannot explain. When I enter into it I know it and am aware that all has become more than the sum of its parts. Read More I call it my holy surrender. It is here where I am left to receive, listen and follow the energy that presents itself. This is a holy promise and sacred contract which I have made– to return and unite with this unified field of oneness where creation takes place. Once inside this field, time does not exist and moments turn into hours. Then– as the energy begins to subside– I am returned and something has been created: something that at times I am not sure how it became so. This is pure bliss. Creating art is another one of my touchstones for reminding myself that there is more than what we see with our eyes and how important it is to have places we can go to remember.

The colors nourish and feed my spirit like food does my body. A day when I get to be in my studio is a day that awakens my soul and reminds me of my connection within the Oneness that I strive to be aware of always. Painting heals me, it empowers me and it guides me as a perfume artist as well. There is no rhyme or reason to my work, just complete surrender and ecstatic joy.
My primary medium is acrylics on canvas, but I do venture into other areas. For details on this, size, price of any given piece, or to order personal commissioned work, please email me.
Sacred Altars and Malas

For me an altar is a sacred place that holds intention, beauty and a point of consciousness that will help illuminate the environment in which it exists. I love creating altars— be they land altars to activate the power and magic of the land and the elementals that live there, or altars within the home, business or sacred space one lives and works within. Each altar holds an intention which the creator/s are invoking so that this intention may be empowered and nurtured to life.
Prayer Shawls

The feeling of knowing that a Goddess is wrapped in one of these shawls out there in the world– feeling loved, connected and beautiful– truly makes my life feel so much more complete.
Open he”Art” Classes
The Open he”Art” classes are designed for the woman who wants to treat herself to an artist day– where she can explore the power of her own imagination with other like-minded, heart-centered women.
Sharing my passion for creating is always a wonderful time for me. Our classes are spirit-filled moments of sharing, laughing, creating and finding the creative genius that lives within each one of us. Watching how each person draws their own unique essence to the project before them is truly a testimony to the paradox of both the the unique nature of each of us, together within the Oneness of which we are all an integral part.
No experience necessary: just bring an open mind and he”art”.
Please feel free to contact me to be kept abreast of classes as they form, or to sponsor one in your area.