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From November of 2003 to May of 2007, we self-published a small, monthly subscription magazine/newsletter– Doing It!, a Journal of Positive Living— intended on providing a steady stream of uplifting positivity, constantly challenging the reader to contemplate concepts along the lines of– letting go of fear, living into his or her dreams and operating from a place in answer to the question, What Would You Do If You Could Not Fail? Doing It! was a true labor of love– a body of work of which we continue to be extremely proud, that we revisit often and are regularly surprised by some of the gems contained within.
As the dust settled we had delivered 43 monthly issues, in the form of inspirational reading, regular features, success stories of What’s Working, Delving Deeper with practical exercises and solutions, original wisdom and art, male and female perspectives on pushing the envelope of human potential and possibility.
Here we attempted to bring together–
* an army of Oprah viewers, Paul Harvey listeners, Reader’s Digest readers, Marianne Williamson/Wayne Dyer/Caroline Myss fans, spiritual warriors of all denominations…
* optimists, early adopters, self-motivators, cultural creatives… characters, the caring and cooperative… scientists, artists , spiritualists…
* all of the good-hearted, well-intentioned , effective, far-seeing cheerleaders for humanity.
Upon completion of your transaction you will be given a link to the full-color pdf of all 43 Doing It! issues— packaged together as 170+ pages of Doing It! content, plus index and a compilation of press materials from back in the day
Click here to view/download a pdf sampler of Doing It! excerpts. Enjoy!