Some days we feel like life is just too much to bear. We ask ourselves— When is this going to end? When will things feel better, get better, when will I feel like myself again?
Today my intuitive voice whispered this to me:
Holding space
for the darkness and the light are the same,
you just judge one as better than the other.
I feel what makes us divine human beings is–
not what we hold in the moments of great joy and light,
but in the moments of extreme darkness.
How we plant ourselves in the arms of our faith,
our trust and our commitment to be the Light,
for ourselves and for others
even when it is not easy,
when it sucks and it turns everything over in our lives
for us to dissect and distill down to the very core–
what works and what does not:
thereby allowing for renewal and rebirth to unfold.
In kundalini yoga there is a beautiful mantra that we chant that helps embody the glory of the processes of life as it is –Sa Ta Na Ma — the syllables of which mean I am birth, life, death and rebirth. This is what life is. We are all in the Sa Ta Na Ma journey together. Doing our best to see our lives as a holy process. Sacred moments linked together not only in joy– but in pain of our own separation from the oneness.
Be here now. Be present, stand firmly and enjoy the pain, the sorrow, the ugliness, the sacrifice, and then wait for the light–for it will come. It has to. For a spiritual promise is upon all of us. The light is on its way.
Be here now. Let your life get messy, let your self embody all of life’s cycles and seasons and enjoy the process of living. We are all part of the Sa Ta Na Ma.
Sat Nam,