So many of my clients ask me each year how I decide on which trips I will offer and why? My process is this. I listen. I listen to the inner voice within me that is attuned to universal consciousness. I find that each pilgrimage and each journey that I have been guided to offer comes down to something greater than I can imagine and something that is connected to what is happening on a higher level for the greater good of the whole.
Another part of the process is to totally trust what I hear. I do ask for signs of confirmation at times. I am always amazed at how these come forth.
In the beginning the intricacies of the pilgrimage, the how’s, why’s, etc., I am not immediately privy to. Therefore, I am not always clear on many of the particulars of the pilgrimages. I only know that this is where I am guided to go, with a group of like-minded, heart-centered people.
There has been a divine selection and my part of the process is to trust it and know that everything will be revealed in the right moment.
Here is what I have come to know for sure: there will be enlightenment, healings, answers, a-ha moments, soul-utions– for these are spiritual journeys of the heart that have been guided and orchestrated for a greater good, for all participants, individually and collectively.
Hence this year’s trip to Greece.
For many years I have wanted to travel to Greece and walk the path of the Goddess: to look at the mythologies associated with each of the different Goddesses/Gods that have been a part of the Greek history– as well as to explore the beautiful landscape of this face of the Mother Goddess.
It wasn’t until recently that the time was right. It makes perfect sense to me why now. As we look around we see the rising up of the Divine Feminine: her alchemy, wisdom, as well as her journey from power to silence, and now re-emergence!
There is a healing taking place within both male and female– heart and mind coming forth in the spirit of unity.
This restoration of the divine feminine presence from the devastation that has been caused by the separation over the years is long overdue.
She is unveiling once again her natural powers and abilities to nurture, heal, comfort and bring forth great compassion, forgiveness and unconditional love– as forces of power, balance and harmony in a time where it is so badly needed.
The feminine heart has historically been shattered and broken by betrayal, abuse and violation. In this rising up it is also a time of healing the atrocities that have been part of the feminine rites of passage that have taken her essence and presence underground for protection.
Greece, has always been cited as the power center of so much divine feminine adoration and reverence. A place where a litany of Goddesses has been revered for their beauty, power, energy, gifts, talents and abilities.
It is here where we can begin to activate and open portals for healing that have been silent for far too long. In Greece we can collectively reframe and re-ignite the passions that have been dehumanized by a cultural amnesia that has impregnated the collective consciousness with separation and exclusion– thereby disassociating the female presence from the innate wisdom and divine goodness that is hers.
Here in the portals of consciousness aligned with Greece is where we can begin to eliminate and breakdown the destructive energies of control, manipulation, jealousy and vindictiveness that has harmed the very essence of the feminine spirit.
As I look at the women around me, and at myself as well, I know that a healing is underway and necessarily so. A massive healing not only in women, but men as well.
I see the need for us to not only heal our ability to awaken those miraculous fields of consciousness that will empower once again all that is uniquely and divinely feminine, but also that will heal the union between the many faces of the divine feminine.
This is a prayer walk for the healing of the feminine– whether you are a male or female. A prayer walk that will awaken consciousness as we walk upon the earth and as we sit in meditation at sacred sites. An activation of this lost union that has occurred and that will enlighten us at the very core of our being– that will ignite and catapult us forward into a potentially more benevolent future.
Together we will take time to remember the exquisite beauty of all that reflects the many facets and faces of woman. Her divinity and her humanity. From the archetypes that we will encounter, the people that we will meet, the ancient sites we will visit, to the land we will embody and embrace.
Greece is a pilgrimage that will wake and shake us up. That will help restructure and rebirth the feminine qualities that have been shunned and belittled for far too long.
From the archetypical energies of Isis, Aphrodite, Athena, and many more. Together we will traverse the ley lines of the mother’s sacred earth and rebirth, the union of the sacred marriage of the divine masculine with the divine feminine. In the spirit of oneness.
I am thrilled to be called to walk the path of the Goddess and I look forward to what will unfold as our pilgrimage comes together. It’s going to be profound and life changing and…
I invite anyone who desires to join us for this divinely appointed moment in time– for the awakening and healing, the uprising and the re-birthing of the Divine Feminine– to register now. There are still a last couple spots available. Don’t miss out on the experience of a lifetime!
For a full-color flyer detailing this magnificent journey please click here.